here's a interview i did with Ricky from BACKTRACK. the darker half LP rips so you should pick up a copy as soon as you can or at least check it out bro!
Thanks ricky for the interview! Hows everything so far with you guys?
Everything has been awesome. We're in Japan right now on the last leg of our overseas tour. We've been to New Zealand, Australia, SE Asia, China, S. Korea, and Japan on this tour and it's been amazing being able to tour and see all these amazing places.
how has the reception for darker half been so far?
The reception for the new record has been way better than I could've imagined. Kids have been singing along to the songs even in places like Thailand and Malaysia which I would never have expected. I'm really proud of this release and I can't wait to tour on it in more areas.
Are you guys working on any new material?
I've been working on a couple of tracks at home in between tours but right now we're touring so much it's been hard to get together the short amount of time we're home. I feel like this summer we're really gonna gear down and work on material for our next release. I'm excited to see how it progresses, the writing process is usually frustrating but it's also the most rewarding.
Are you guys involved in any other bands?
Our Bass Player Reggie plays in a band called Creem that's awesome. We're playing Chaos in Tejas with them in Texas this year and i'm excited to see them for the first time. I'm also working on a new band with some friends that should have a demo released before the end of the year. Most of the tracks are written I just haven't had a chance to record them yet, but I'm going to try doing that when we get home from this tour. I'm pretty sure Vitalo might've started a straightedge band too, you should keep your eye out for.
how is the new york hardcore scene?
The New York scene is great. We have a lot of good bands coming out right now like King Nine, Bottom Out, Provider, etc. There's always tons of tours and great bands playing NYC and Long Island also right now thanks to Black N Blue Productions, East Coast Collective, Noble Destro, among a bunch of other promoters bringing hardcore bands from all over to NY.
Any cool plans for your socal shows next month?
Planning to play some new material on the Cali dates. I'm stoked the tour is with our homies Minus and Alpha & Omega. We actually have Austin from Minus playing guitar with us overseas and he'll be playing in Cali with us too so shoutout to him for coming out with us!!!
Are you guys playing s&f this year?
I really have no clue, we haven't been asked. I do know that we are playing United Blood, Rainfest, and Chaos in Tejas though which i'm all excited for.
Who are the bands you support?
I support bands that keep it real and play what they love regardless of what other people may say or think. With that said my favorite bands out right now are: Fire & Ice, Take Offense, Rotting Out, Naysayer, Incendiary, and plenty more for the sake of not making an insanely long list of bands I love listening to and watching.
Last words?
Check out Darker Half if you haven't already. Pick up the new Fire & Ice and Take Offense record when they drop. Support Reaper Records one of the most hardworking record labels out. Check out King Nine from NY. TUI rules. Shoutout to the DPN. Thanks for doing this interview, peace out!
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