Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Glacial Reign: DFJ Interview!

Now this interview is short, sweet and to the point. I don't know if it was my lack of questions or the fact that Justin so straight forward. well I'm pretty sure you all know who DFJ is and for those who don't hes in EVERY well not every but the majority of all the great Boston bands that have surfaced these past years. ill name drop a few so you can get an idea.
Mind Eraser
Boston Strangler
Rival Mob
Stop And Think
No Tolerance
Righteous Jams
Living Hell
Lion Crew
Step Forward
Soul Swallower
Mentally Challenged
Wrong Side
Innumerable Forms
Can you dig this impressive resume? 

How did you get involved with hardcore?
Heard Metallica and fell in love with the fast shit. From there I tried to find other music that had that style of drum beat and that's how I discovered hardcore. Jumped in head first and never looked back.

What are your favorite bands that you've been apart of ?

Mental probably. FYA, Invasion...Besides that I like all the shit I'm doing right now: Magic Circle, Boston Strangler, No Tolerance, Prisoner Abuse.

Can we expect any new material from mind eraser / rival mob ?

Rival Mob "Mob Justice" LP coming this summer. One more Mind Eraser LP in the works as well. It's about half written. No said date yet...

When's cali going to get Boston strangler over here?

I don't know brother. I'd like to do maybe a weekend this summer...

When's rival mob / mind eraser coming back to cali ?

Rival Mob will be in Cali this summer. As far as Mind Eraser? Most likely never again...

Hows the hardcore scene in Boston?

Lots of cool shows lately. An ok venue in Boston that has all ages shows really goes a long way. Bunch of good bands too. The scene is pretty segregated but whatever, it's been like that for years. Overall, it's fine and you won't find this guy complaining.

What are your favorite bands?

Youth Of Today, Black Sabbath, Cro-Mags, AF, Trouble, Minor Threat, Metallica, Van Halen

 How long have you been vegetarian and straight edge?

Since 96

Current bands you support?
Waste Mgt, Free Spirit, Hoax, Give, Minority Unit, New Brigade, Iron Lung, Stick Together, Disengage, Blindside, Midnight, Saint Vitus, Written Off, Citizens Arrest, Blessed Offal, MFP, Mammoth Grinder, Hatred Surge, Floorpunch, Knife Fight, Anxiety, Dropdead

What happened to the lion crew lp?

Still brewing. Scene isn't ready yet.

Any last words?

Take care man

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