Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Glacial Reign: DFJ Interview!
Now this interview is short, sweet and to the point. I don't know if it was my lack of questions or the fact that Justin so straight forward. well I'm pretty sure you all know who DFJ is and for those who don't hes in EVERY well not every but the majority of all the great Boston bands that have surfaced these past years. ill name drop a few so you can get an idea.
Mind Eraser
Boston Strangler
Rival Mob
Stop And Think
No Tolerance
Righteous Jams
Living Hell
Lion Crew
Step Forward
Soul Swallower
Mentally Challenged
Wrong Side
Innumerable Forms
Can you dig this impressive resume?
How did you get involved with hardcore?
Heard Metallica and fell in love with the fast shit. From there I tried to find other music that had that style of drum beat and that's how I discovered hardcore. Jumped in head first and never looked back.
What are your favorite bands that you've been apart of ?
Mental probably. FYA, Invasion...Besides that I like all the shit I'm doing right now: Magic Circle, Boston Strangler, No Tolerance, Prisoner Abuse.
Can we expect any new material from mind eraser / rival mob ?
Rival Mob "Mob Justice" LP coming this summer. One more Mind Eraser LP in the works as well. It's about half written. No said date yet...
When's cali going to get Boston strangler over here?
I don't know brother. I'd like to do maybe a weekend this summer...
When's rival mob / mind eraser coming back to cali ?
Rival Mob will be in Cali this summer. As far as Mind Eraser? Most likely never again...
Hows the hardcore scene in Boston?
Lots of cool shows lately. An ok venue in Boston that has all ages shows really goes a long way. Bunch of good bands too. The scene is pretty segregated but whatever, it's been like that for years. Overall, it's fine and you won't find this guy complaining.
What are your favorite bands?
Youth Of Today, Black Sabbath, Cro-Mags, AF, Trouble, Minor Threat, Metallica, Van Halen
How long have you been vegetarian and straight edge?
Since 96
Current bands you support?
Waste Mgt, Free Spirit, Hoax, Give, Minority Unit, New Brigade, Iron Lung, Stick Together, Disengage, Blindside, Midnight, Saint Vitus, Written Off, Citizens Arrest, Blessed Offal, MFP, Mammoth Grinder, Hatred Surge, Floorpunch, Knife Fight, Anxiety, Dropdead
What happened to the lion crew lp?
Still brewing. Scene isn't ready yet.
Any last words?
Take care man
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Defeat The Christian Right: WEEKEND NACHOS INTERVIEW 2012
This Interview was done A while back. around the time the BLEED E.P. so i guess this interview took place around 2010 early 2011? i took the time with this interview so i could know more about my favorite band. hopefully it shows. i hope you enjoy reading this as i enjoyed getting this interview together. here it is! I would also like to add that John/snyder/caution what ever he goes by these days is a really chill dude and helped me out a lot these past years so support them! go to their shows and grab some merch.
Usually when bands come up with names they make it sound generic especially hardcore bands,they try to come up with tough names. how did you come up with weekend nachos and was the name embraced by people right away or did people get turned off by it?
the name "Weekend Nachos" doesn't mean anything, and since the beginning i didn't care if anybody approved of it. a lot of times, people will judge a book by its cover and i think that's retarded. in the same manner, people will expect a band to be fucking awesome based on a cool band name. i also think this is retarded. when we first started, no one liked us specifically because of that name. in fact, a lot of people still don't listen to us because of that name. which is cool, i back it, those people can fuck off forever, i don't care. since day one i never cared if anybody liked our band. we've always been a great band. sometimes it's even funnier watching the people who "slept on this band and just recently came around". great, you're admitting you missed out on something that you could've been digging for over 5 years now...nice work, poser.
Can you tell me the history of tooth decay records from its birth and why it met its demise and will you release anything new or is tooth decay finished forever?
Are you guys planning any new material after the bleed ep?
Tooth Decay was started by my friend Nick and I, and our first release was the Weekend Nachos "torture e.p". it was a learning experience for both of us and to this day remains as the best selling Tooth Decay release. in some ways i think we just got lucky with it, but in other ways, it actually is a great record with a great recording and we worked hard to make it look good, too. Tooth Decay died because i eventually needed money so badly and i just took my half of the funds we had and the label was put on hold for a while. Nick was living in California for a while but he lives in the Midwest again so maybe we'll start it back up again, who knows. we're both in the same state again and my financial issues have been over for years, so i hope that happens some day.
We are, actually. We've been working on new songs lately, i'll keep things a bit "mysterious" here and refuse to comment on what they sound like, but as usual expect a record different than all the others. I am pretty sure this is going to end up being another full-length. We enjoy doing LP's.
When you guys played at the blvd cafe in california I asked you about sidewalk but we didn't get to finish our conversation. if its alright with you can you tell me about sidewalk and any other bands you are/were involved with?
Sidewalk was a bad band that i was in, i don't want to sound like a dick but there's not really much to say. i'm not ashamed of it, at all, but there's not a whole lot to say about it besides that fact that we sucked and i eventually realized that. i have good memories of that band but it really isn't something people should talk about anymore, haha. i'd like for it to fade into obscurity and never be mentioned again. there are way better bands to talk about that were around in 2003...American Nightmare, Carry On, Mental, Desperate Measures, No Warning, The First Step, etc
Are you the only one that is straight edge in WN? How did you get into straight edge?what made s.e. Apart of your life?do people give you shit for being straight edge and do you think there's always going to be assholes that talk shit to people for being driffrent?
again, i don't wanna sound like a dick but straight edge is something i don't enjoy talking about that much. however, i will give in and elaborate just to state that this is something i decided quite recently, actually. yes, i'm straight edge, and will be forever, Drew is too, but i am 26 years old now and it's just a small part of who i am. it doesn't need to be made into a big deal anymore. the older i've gotten, the less i've cared about straight edge one way or another. i don't drink, i don't do drugs, i don't smoke either, but these things don't need to define a person's existence. they are personal choices and that's it. straight edge is great if you're young and you need something to identify with...i know, i've been 17 before. but honestly, i'm too old to be putting this kind of label on myself. it doesn't mean anything to me anymore, it's a part of who i am but it's really not THAT big of a part of who i am. it's time to stop defining myself in this way. i'm totally over it. a lot of other straight edge friends of mine will probably be all bummed out and maybe even a little pissed off by that...and you know what, that's just another one of the problems i have with straight edge. it's bullshit to judge other people for a personal choice that doesn't affect you in any way at all. and if it's taken me over a decade to realize this, then so be it.
How did you get involved with hardcore?what are your influences and what are your favorite bands of all time?
hardcore is something i was always looking for...an angry, hateful subculture that basically belongs exclusively to those who understand it. i was never one to fit in or even WANT to fit in. there was always that level of seperation between myself and pretty much everyone else. my peers didn't really get me, my co-workers didn't really get me, often times my family didn't really get me either. hardcore is something i'm definitely glad i found, and it was bound to happen. i went to a few punk shows because the people i skateboarded with were into it, and i just found my place. it was all really natural and i was instantly hooked. i am influenced by a million different bands...it would take to long to go into it. basically if you listen to Weekend Nachos, whoever it sounds like to you is most likely a band that i am influenced by. WN is a big giant cesspool of our collective influences, we let it all out into this band.
When are you guys coming back to cali?
That's a good question! We are planning on possibly coming out there in the Spring of next year, I don't think anything will be set in stone for a while though because we really have to get ready for Europe in a few weeks...once we get back from Europe, we will begin figuring out the next U.S. tour. Hopefully we'll get to do some more shows with IN DISGUST this time!
Why aren't you in harms way anymore?
The straw that broke the camel's back was an argument that i got into with the singer, James, one night over some bullshit. I won't go into details because we are good friends and there's no need to, it's over, all friends go through shit like that. But really, my decision to quit was also based on general differences in ideas and agendas for the band. Those guys were sorta on the same page with where they wanted to take Harms Way and I was not on board with it...it's that simple. Those guys are still doing their thing and I'm stoked on anything that happens for them because they're all my good friends. I'm actually pretty excited that they seem to be turning a few heads these days. More people like them now than when i was ever in the band, haha.
Are you guys planning to start any new bands?
Well, since the first half of this interview took place almost 7 months ago...yes, Drew and I have actually started a new band very recently. It's called CYBORG and the demo just got recorded! if anybody wants to check it out, go to playfastordie.com, you can download the entire 9 song demo for free. For fans of Hellnation and Spazz.
Any funny tour stories?
Too many, but i definitely always tell the story of when our old bass player, Varg, almost got us killed by a bunch of gangbangers on a street corner in D.C. These dudes were legit thugs, not just a bunch of wiggers, and Varg started coming on to them in the gayest possible way. They were not into it to say the least, and i thought we were about to actually get shot, haha. I laugh about it now but at the time it was really not funny at all. Varg is nuts.
Has your fan base changed from early W.N. to now?
We have definitely turned a few heads over the years. I think in the beginning, we had a very cult following of maybe 2 or 3 kids in every major city, maybe even less depending on where we were. Now, i feel that number has grown and the name "Weekend Nachos" is definitely more well-known and widely respected by various scenes and crowds. I'm not saying we're a big band now, i still think we're one of the way smaller bands around, but i can definitely say that things have grown for us gradually since 2004. I have never been one to care one way or another, but i do enjoy playing to 50-100 kids every night as opposed to 15-20 people every night.
Can you tell us how the new LP is going to sound?
Nope, sorry! I will say that any fan of W.N. will not be disappointed at all. It will rage harder than ever.
Why did you make bleed a 2 song LP?
We wanted to do another E.P. but not just something that people would forget about like any random 7" of ours. We already did a 7" as our first release and it's the most preferred material of ours so we wanted to try and do another 7" that would have a different feel to it. Once we decided on doing some sludgier stuff, we realized we had too much material for a 7" and made it a 12" instead. It still has the feel of an E.P. though, cuz that's what it is.
What do you do when you don't play?
I work and hang out with my girlfriend, mostly. We like to go out to eat and watch movies, that's mainly what we do with our time. I am kind of a shut-in, actually. My purpose in life is to do Weekend Nachos, make money, and be in a relationship that lasts. The other guys in W.N. are different, i think they have a lot more going on, but you'd have to ask them.
Any bands you support?
There are some, but i know i would leave somebody out if i attempted to list them all. I have a lot of out of town friends who are in great bands, so i'll name drop a band that I'm not friends with at all...Trapped Under Ice. They are probably my favorite current hardcore band, i really hope they do a new record soon.
Any last words?
Yes, thanks for the interview and for caring about what I have to say! We will hopefully be in Cali again soon and keep a look out for a new 7" single on A389 Recordings followed up by a brand new full-length on Deep Six and Relapse.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Supreme Team: Reign Supreme Interview 2012
OK so i originally had intended for this interview and all my interviews for that matter to be read on my D.I.Y zine(USELESS SYSTEM... pretty punk right??) that never saw the light of day. so due to my incompetence i just decided to give up and post them on a blog so everyone could read these interviews. this interview was conducted via e-mail. jay was nice enough to answer and well... here you go.
Who's In the Band So far?
I'm Jay, I sing, Dave plays guitar, Klint plays bass, Randall plays drums, and Mikey plays guitar. Eric is our tour manager/merch girl.
Why Don't You Guys Play A lot?
We all are pursuing degrees, or have real jobs that require us to be present physically. We still gig fairly often, but we have to carefully balance that with other things that we have going on in our lives. Hopefully 2012 will be kinder to us in terms of time available for touring!
Are guys In Any Other Bands?
A few of us are jamming, trying to get some other projects together, but nothing really set in stone just yet. I do occasionally play guitar for The Wrong Side.
Are You Guys Working On Anything New ?
Yes, we just finished recording the music for a new EP entitled "Sky Burial". It'll be out this spring on Mediaskare Records. Additionally, we've begun roughly discussing and jamming on ideas for a follow up LP to our 2009 release, "Testing the Limits of Infinite".
When Are You Guys Coming Back to The West Coast?
Probably June/July 2012. We are trying to make a FULL North American tour happen, but it's sort of contingent upon band members and what their obligations entail.
How Was The Reaction To The New LP?
I think most people were pretty into it. Critically, it was well received, although at this point, I'm really over the songs, and ready to record and play new stuff. We are all different people than we were when we recorded the last record, so I think the newer stuff is more representative of the type of music that we enjoy. It's less traditional, far more experimental and exciting.
What Do You Guys Do Outside Reign Supreme
I'm a personal trainer, and I spend a lot of time traveling on my motorcycle, exercising, in school, getting tattoos, writing music, reading, and hanging out with my friends. The other dudes are all into fairly similar stuff, we're pretty low-key guys. Basically, we do all the stuff we have to do to live when we're not gigging, and when we are gigging, that's when we're really living.
Song Of The Day: Trapped Under Ice Stay Cold
Lost concepts of reality.
Make loose the screws that secure my sanity.
take a look at my life, what it's all about.
The answers bring me pain,
and i want out.
I pulled you close, because the world failed us both.
Always knowing
nothing could stay gold.
The navigator of pain points my way once more.
will always stay cold.
You can't hurt me anymore. I stay cold forevermore.
So alone. But you can't hurt me anymore
Monday, February 13, 2012
First Post
Okay so here we go. This is a stupid music blog.ill be posting music reviews and band interviews, ill try to change it up a bit but who knows. Be on the look out for weekend nachos, mindset and reign supreme interviews!
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