Monday, December 3, 2012

Sex Prisoner Interview 2012

It's finally done. here it is! Down To Nothing will be posted next. Interview with Kevin. the sex prisoner / hoax show was fucking nuts.

How did SP start?

Sex Prisoner was started by Kyle and Gilbert about a year before I joined. Honestly, I’m not too sure on the details, but we all went to the same high and played music with each other before, so I’m sure Sex Prisoner was spawned out of our mutual love for hardcore and punk. Nothing too crazy…

How did you guys get into hardcore/punk?

My brother Kyle and I got into hardcore thr
ough our cousins when we were still in elementary school. They had given us a Minor threat and a Youth of Today CD, after that it was all downhill from there. As for Gilbert and Matt they got into punk through skateboarding and that scene, other than that I’m not too sure.

Hows the Arizona scene?

The Arizona scene is very hit or miss. Some shows draw large crowds and are out of control, while other shows only a handful of kids will show up. It depends on who’s playing that night which is a shame because some really sweet bands get overlooked. That being said, there is nowhere else I would rather be then Tucson.

Any bands we should check out?

Defiantly check out our buddies in Magnum Force. They’re heavy, fast, and pissed, basically everything we love as Sex Prisoner. They have a 7” out on To Live a Lie… GO BUY IT!! Also check out our buddies in Territory. They’re super heavy metalcore in vain of bands like Ringworm and All out War. They have an LP out called Sic Semper Tyrannis which is also A MUST BUY!

How did to live a lie contact you guys about the 7"

Actually it was the other way around haha. After we had just finished recording the material we used for our s/t 7” we had no one to put it out. So as a last resort, before just putting it out ourselves, we sent it to Will from To Live a Lie and he agreed to put it out for us. We were all so shocked/stoked that we were actually putting out a record on a label, especially To Live a Lie. We hands down owe all our success to Will.

Any more releases in the works?

We are currently working on a three way split with Magnum Force and ACXDC which To Live a Lie is putting out. It should be out by the beginning of next year if all goes well. We are also going to be featured on a 7” comp called Wake up Dead that John form Weekend Nachos is putting out on Bad Teeth Recordings. The comp is going to feature some really sweet bands, The Ropes, Curmudgeon, Sucked Dry, To the Point and Thick Skin. Keep your eyes out for that too!

When can we expect you guys an cali/LA again?

Very soon… we are planning on coming out in January. We will most likely post a date on facebook within the next couple of weeks.

Did you guys enjoy your recent cali date with Hoax?

We had an AWESOME time with that show! Probably the most fun/ best show we’ve played so far. Can’t wait to come back out!

Bands you support?

This is going to sound cheesy as hell, but I don’t give a fuck… I support any hardcore or punk band that’s in it for the friends and music. It doesn’t matter to me if they’re some hyped up touring band or a local band, just as long as they’re having fun and not taking hardcore too seriously.

Last Words? 

Thanks to family, friends, and anyone who supports us… you make this worthwhile.

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